I write to tell you I received yours dated 15th for which I was very glad to hear from you and to hear you were all well it gives me the greatest comfort I can have but there are some of them that I know that do not think it worthwhile to send me the scratch of a pen. But if they live to be a grandmother they will feel it maybe as I do for nothing gives me so much comfort as to hear that they and their children are all well. I am glad your dear mother is with you I hope you are all very comfortable and may the Lord keep you ever so are the prayers of your poor old grandmother. ![]() LETTER NO 2 WINDSOR DECEMBER 21st 1860 My Ever Dear Grand-Daughter,
I received your letter dated December 3rd on this 19th day. I was glad to hear from you all for it is the greatest comfort I have in my old age to hear my dear children are well and comfortable. I had letters from England on the 20th from MARION and her sister Mrs WESTLEY they are in good health and very happy and her dear little boy is grown so fast and husband health is unstable she says we should be astonished to see him she says they hope to be in SYDNEY again in 12 months she say cold and sick to live and die in Brighton if all her dear belovered kind were there too but as it is she cannot forsake old Sydney. ![]()
I have just got your kind letter ...........safe and glad to find it that you and all dear ones and well as this finds me and all in Sydney on Tues last. CHARLOTTE is quite well and staying with me for a few weeks. I heard from the girls in England they are well, on the 6th of September they say they will be out soon. But I fear they will not be out before Christmas but I hope to live to see them again if god will ![]() LETTER NO 4 WINDSOR NOV 30th 1862 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I received yours yesterday and was very glad to find you and the dear children were all well as this leaves me at this time in body health but my right arm is very bad and never will be any better but I am thankful to almighty for his great mercies to me while at my age that I am able to do my own work in my house my washing and keeping my place clean. ![]() LETTER NO 5 MAY C1863 SYDNEY NEWTON EGAN STREET My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I received your kind letter yesterday and was very glad to find by it that you were all well as this leaves all of us at this time thanks and blessing and praise be to almighty god for his mercy and loving kindness to me and to all of us may the lord bless you and all that are near and dear to you lead by his holy spirit and give you by his council and at last may we all meet where parting will be no more. Oh may the Lord pray many long years a poor woman of the earth yet I .......................... and the Lord has ......... put the bucket of life and give me to see another on Saturday last I entered my 87 year and bless the lord he still gives me the use of all my senses and all are very good considering my age the Lord has been to me to his ................ for fond blessings be his where love is my day .............so has my strength been glory be to God for his merciful goodness to me. Your aunts and cousins send their kind love to you and Mother and all cousins I do not know anything of your Uncle John I have not seen him near 3 years. My dear Jane I thank you for your kind letters it gives me the greatest comfort I have to hear that my dear children all that are near to me are well and are doing well and comfortable. I went up to Windsor a month since to see some of my old friends I stayed there 10 days and I came to Sydney they were all glad to see me and wanted me to stay longer. Mrs Roshesten and Mary send their kind regards to you she has no one at home but her Betty. Jane Ann are all married to three brothers. Stuck to her ...... to me ....God Mrs .......... is still there and she still walks to chapel she is 76 years but she is very ......... still live in the old house ....... yet now my Dear I conclude with kind love daily to all prays. Give my kind love to your Mother till death call her.
This is the HARD work I have to do is to write for my right arm is so bad sometimes I can scarcely hold the pen ![]() LETTER NO 6 JANUARY 14th 1864 SYDNEY My Ever Dear Jane,
I hope this will find you and all of you in good health. I received your kind letter which I should answered before but I was sick in bed when I got yours and only now just able to sit to hold my pen, but I bless God he has once more saved me from the mouth of the grave blessed be his Holy Name for his mercy and goodness that has favoured me all the days of my life and still comfort me Oh my soul bless the lord and all that is within bless his Holy name for all his blessings to me and to all those that ever were and dear to me. Pray give my kind love to your Mother and Mary Lovell and your dear children and to yourself and all the rest of the family and ley me know how Mary husband is I hope he is all right again. Aunts and cousins join in love to you all I shall return to Windsor again next Wednesday God willing and now may the Lord bless you all my dear children. I hope you will excuse this short letter for I am not able to write I am so weak. ![]() LETTER NO 7 NOV 18th 1864 WINDSOR My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I received yours and should have answered it before but I waited for the England letters. I have sent you my for you to read and send it back to me when you write again. I was glad to hear you were all well as it leaves all here but myself and I am very poorly. I am so weak I cannot do anything now if I go to do anything I am done up I cannot .......everything at my .......I have not ......... a sixpence these last eighteen months nor I suppose I will ever shall again. But it is the will of God so I will not pine for the Lord now bless the Lord the judge of all the earth cannot do wrong for he is to wise and to good to be unkind for he has proven That No Good Thing Shall Be Wanted To Those That Walk Up Rightly and we know that his promises cannot fail I know by past experiences that his promises are all sure and so goodness and mercy has followed me all the my days and he will not save me now in my old days bless be his Holy name oh may we all meet in that happy place .............will be no more and sorrow and sin shall be no more but God himself shall wipe away all tears from our eyes. ![]() LETTER No 8 23rd DEC 1864 WINDSOR My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I received your kind letter this morning and was very glad to hear that you were all well as it leaves all here at this time bless God for his blessings to me to all of us for I am better this last three weeks than I have been since this day twelve months bless the Lord oh my soul and that is .............................all his goodness to me for I never thought to see this day but the lord is good. We heard from the girls this mail they are all well but Ann's husband he is not very well the doctors say he must not take to the sea so they have settled in England and Marion is coming out she expected to go on board on the 5th November last month and Lord bring her safe she has not good health may the Lord strengthen her now may the Lord bless you and all belonging to you Aunt Ann, Charlotte and Aunt Manson send her kind love to you all and we all join in kind love. Uncle Richard and all of them well when last wrote I will more next time ![]() LETTER NO 9 JUNE 3rd 1865 NEWTOWN SYDNEY My Dear Grand Daughter and Dear Children,
I received yours and pray do not think me unkind not writing to you before but you will not think so when you see scars of it. I have been nearly burnt to death but the Lord was merciful to me and spared me a little longer. I had a very narrow escape for my hands and feet were more burnt and my right side to the waist and only for your Aunt and cousins being in the house I might have been burnt to death. Your poor Aunt got her right hand badly burnt bless the lord we are all well again from that. Marion gone up to Forbes to see Howard her brother so we do not expect her down till this cold winter is gone. We heard they all got a letter the other day they were all well as I hope this will find you all well we here pretty well at present, but my dearest I am loosing my strength very much in old I can say I have not had a days good health since I have been in Sydney. I cannot expect to be as I was 20 years ago I am in my 86th year. Your letter was posted in Brisbane on my Birthday 28th ![]() LETTER NO 10 C 1865 My Ever Dear Jane,
I hope this will find you all well it leaves us better than we have been all of us have been ill this winter one after another now your poor Aunt Atkins is very poorly now but thank the Lord we are all better than we have been for a long time..that ...... me I cannot expect to be much better had for I have some days better and then the next I am bad but bless God I am still able to do my own little things for myself. I am well as I find it in the will the best but bless God for his goodness and mercies to me I am 90 YEARS old though many trouble and strife he has bought me to old age .......... and now I am poor and ........... Lord I trust will keep the last he will save me......... well at the last he has to old....... and members witness pray give my kind love to all the family I hope they are all well and till that day in a very he send me. Give my kind love to all your family I hope they are all well I hope I am able to write and it better than this. ![]() LETTER NO 11 19 th OCT 1865 NEWTOWN SYDNEY My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I have just received your kind letter dated Oct 10th. I am very glad to see by it that you all are well as it leaves all here at this time. Bless the Lord for it. I have great reason to bless the Lord for his mercies to me. Thank you for your kind letter this morning for I was very much cast down, but the news from you has cheered me up for there is nothing cheers me so much as to hear from my dear children it is all the comfort I have. Besides going to Chapel for I do not like this place at all for I am staying here and I do not feel at home I am going to Windsor for a few weeks a change it will liven me up. I will write from there to you and let you know how I got up and what news I hear then I shall give your respects to Mrs Roschester your Aunts send their love to you Mrs Atkins and Mrs Manson and cousins Charlotte and Marion is still with her brother at the .............. we got letters from Ann this mail they are still much the same. Your poor Uncle Richard has got great trouble I have sent you his last letter you can send it back when you again pray give my kind love to Mother and Mary Lovell and to all the rest of your family now my dear I am I conclude with much love to you and dear Betsy and Richard and may the Lord bless you and yours from your affectionate Grandmother and Great Grandmother I hope you will not be able to read small ADDRESS MRS GRAY C/- MRS ATKINS BROOKLEY COTTAGE EAGAN ST NEWTOWN ![]() LETTER NO 12 DEC 1865 NEWTOWN SYDNEY My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I write now in answer to your last kind letter. I hope this will find you all well as we at this time. Bless the Lord for it I should write before but stayed to hear from your Uncle Richard I got a letter from Ellen yesterday and your Aunt is no better she say the Doctor say she will never be any better Ellen say her father do fret so at it he is very poorly. Poor man he has little strength and now this is the worst of all oh that he may ....... him to bear his troubles Ellen say it makes her heart bleed when she see him poor Ellen has just confined with a fine girl and your cousin in England has got another girl born on the 23rd May and Ellen's was born on 20th May. I am still in with your Aunt Ann she sent her kind love to you as do Charlotte she is grown a fine young woman she just out grown all the rest she is head and shoulders tall over I am. Elizabeth Gray ![]() LETTER NO 13 WINDSOR DECEMBER 1865 My Ever Dear Jane,
I write tell you I received your last letter and thanks to almighty God and his blessing to you and all of us. I thank you for kindness to write to me for there is nothing gives me so much pleasure as to hear all my dear families. Well it is such comfort to me to receive a letter from any of them and bless God that he gives me sight to read and hear and to write to them again as my soul bless the Lord for all his trust and care ours, me and all of us and may we forget not his mercy. Your Mother ............ and it ............and all the family as ....... your poor Aunt Mary Ann is once again in the Asylum I would have wrote sooner but I wanted to hear from them and may the Lord bless them all and all my dear children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and every branch of the family. Even though distant branches of the family ............. the daily prays of your .........of your Grandmother till death. ![]() LETTER NO 14 NEWTOWN SYDNEY FEB 3rd 1866
My Ever Dear Grand Daughter and Great Grand Daughters and Son, ![]() LETTER NO 15 SYDNEY MARCH 10th 1866 My Ever Dear Jane,
I am glad to see by your very kind letter safe that you and all the family when all well as this leaves all here at this time thanks be to the almighty Lord his mercy and goodness to me and to all of us may the Lord us all and all that are near and dear to you may the lord bless them there is nothing gives me so much pleasure as to hear all my dear children and grand children and great grandchildren are well and if I hear that they are walking in the good and right way oh what a blessing that will be to meet in heaven at last after all trails and troubles will before ever over and God himself shall wipe away all tears from our eyes where sorrow and sin shall never come, but all joy and gladness for evermore. Oh that all that are near and dear to me may meet there at last now my dear I have no news for you but your Aunts and cousins are well and send their kind love to you and yours.
I do not think John can read the letter I enclose in yours you will read it for him and write soon to me so I can know where he is gone to. ![]() LETTER NO 16 NEWTOWN SYDNEY 30th MAY 1866 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I received your welcome letter yesterday and am very glad to hear you were all well and was very thankful to you for your letting me hear of my son poor man he is always away in the bush I never hear of him for two or three years together and it gives me great unease and many sleepless nights thinking of him poor and his brother I have but two and I cannot see either of them and when I cannot hear from them and know not where they are I am miserable to know what is become of them oh may the Lord bless them and take care of them I pray to him day and night for them that the Lord will lead them by his holy spirit and guide them by his council and at last may we all meet to part no more. Oh may the Lord grant that all my dear children and grandchildren and great grand children and every branch of my family even the most distant branched of my family. I hope to meet in that happy place where all is peace and joy, oh what a happy meeting that will be oh should we may all seek the Lord while he may be found ........................... as we call on him while he is where for he will rescue all that come to him in the name of JESUS CHRIST he will not cast him off .... my ever dear children I conclude with to all give my kind love to Mother and all the rest to Elizabeth to Richard Mary Lovell. ![]() LETTER NO 17 JUNE 1st 1966 NEWTOWN SYDNEY My Dear Son (JOHN),
I was glad to hear from Mr Kilcary that you was at his house for I was very uneasy about you not hearing from you since you left me, it has me many hours grief and pain not knowing were you where you were or how were or weather you was living or dead. If leave where you are let me know where you are for it is the greatest comfort I have to hear from dear children where they are and how they are. Pray do send me word when ever you can to let me know where you are staying. ![]() LETTER NO 18 UNDATED c 1866 NOT ADDRESSED TO ANYONE POSSIBLY TO REBECCA JANE KIRBY
I have been waiting to hear from your Uncle Richard but I hope they are well. Your Aunt is gone home again I hope she will continue to be well. I will write again as soon as I hear from Ellen how her mother is your Aunt Manson and Aunt Nancy , and Charlotte and Robert send their kind respects to all their cousins and are all very pleased with the likeness. I have sent you Ellen and her Husband likeness to see them you will please my dear send them back to me a ............ keep them .........and now may the lord bless you all and may the Lord grant we may all meet in heaven at the last where ...........will be no more. ![]() LETTER NO 19 SYDNEY NEWTOWN 3rd SEPT 1866 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I would have ............but waited to get the English mail but we got none till yesterday poor Ann is well but her poor little boy is ill if she loose him she will have sorrow and to loose his father and then her only son and he is such comfort to her he is so good help he .............and send ......... the little boy and put them to bed and fold up all their clothes and do so many little things for her while she sit writing and take care of the two little girls. She write for the same ........... he did she make a bought 21 shillings a week poor little dear she has to struggle hard with 3 children and in a strange country poor dear she say the people here all very good to her and very kind to the dear children may the lord bless them and he will take care of the fatherless and ...... to the .....and his powers cannot fail for he is not man that he live no the son of man that he should .....but God is good to all and his tenderness is here over all his works and no good shall they want that walk .... Now my dear I must tell you something else you cousin Marion is married on the 15th of last month. I did not think she would ever get married she is with her Mother I do not much ..........of it but old women like me, we have no right to find fault. Your Uncle Richard and all the family are well but the Mother she is much the same they all send their kind love to you. I have not heard no word of your Uncle John since I heard from you I may not ever hear or see him it causes me many sleepless nights thinking of him. Oh Lord he is in thy hands I save him to thy care those has ......... him. ![]() LETTER NO 20 UNDATED C 1866 My Dear Jane,
You see I would have sent this before but we did not get any letters the last mail so I waited for this and we got them this time last night. Poor Ann is well but the baby is very ill she thinks will die poor dear it will be a great blessing if the lord take it she is coming out if the baby get better or if the Lord is about to take it. That is all that keep her ok may the Lord bless her and send her safe to her broken hearted Mother and all of us your cousin Marion married on the 15th August she is with us at present we are all pretty well, but myself I have been very bad with pains in my leg and arms but must not forget how good the Lord has been to me my hands are so bad I cannot guide the pen may the Lord bless you. Your Uncle Richard are much the same. May the Lord bless all. ![]() LETTER NO 21 UNDATED C 1866 Dear Children and Great Grandchildren,
...................... and to hear they are all well it gives me the greatest comfort that enjoy on the ........ of the .......... Oh that they may all grow in grace as they grow in years may the lord lead them by his holy spirit and guide them by his council that we mat meet to get them in heaven at last where parting will be no more. Oh my dear child joyful a meeting that will be where all will joy and peace evermore I hope this finds you all well we are better than we have been lately for we have had so much trouble lately it has bought your Aunt and me to the grave. I think no told that cousin Marion is married she is now in Newcastle and we have Howard's wife and child with us she confined 3 weeks last Sunday with twins two girls both dead. I consider it was a blessed thing the Lord was pleased to take them for ..........as she is I do no we will do. ![]() LETTER NO 22 FEB 4th 1867 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter and Great Grand Daughters,
I received yours last night and was very glad to find by it that you were all well for I bless the Lord for his great goodness to you may the Lord bless you all in health and peace hear my daily prayers, you cousin Marion is married and Ann is come out England. She has got three children the is ......... liked poor dear little thing she is very wastefully poor little Ann has had a bout of trouble and we have had our own share of trouble and sickness amongst us all and now we have one of the younger ones ill we do not think she will get over it. Your Aunt is most worse out with one trouble on them may the Lord strength to bear it she has got a young family to care for now she sends her kind love to you and your Mother, daughter and son and is glad to find you all well. Marion, Ann, Charlotte and Robert all join in kind love to you. I have nothing of your Uncle john since you saw him, now my dear as I have no good news to you I shall make it short Your Uncle Richard when I heard last from them poor man he has his troubles to pray give my kind love to your dear Mother dear Elizabeth and Richard and Mary Lovell and may they live to be a comfort in your old age pray give my kind love to your brother and all the rest of the sisters and families. I hope they are all well now may the Lord bless all and accept of my kind love to yourself and my prayers for.....for your soul and body till call me from your poor old grandmother. ![]() LETTER NO 23 NEWTOWN FEB 9TH 1867 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I would have written to you before but I have been very ill for last 3 months. I lost all my strength till I am not able to walk in the yard and cannot get to chapel very often and that grieves me for that is all the happiness I can enjoy now, but I bless God I can read yet and that is a great comfort to me and I but very thankful to almighty God that he has still given me my sight and hearing and my senses which is a great blessing to a poor feeble old woman of the earth as I now are well I bless God that I have a hope of heaven may the Lord strength my faith and give me more of his holy spirit and grace to do that which right in his sight and know we may never meet on earth. My greatest wish may all meet at God right hand in heaven at least and may every sheep of the family be even the most distant branches of family be left in the wilderness but may all be bought in to that great and almighty fold of your Lord And saviour Jesus Christ may the lord grant it for his ................ name sake. Now my dear I write this as it may be the last I might be able to God knows if I shall write another. Now may the Lord bless you and yours and all dear children all dear grandchildren great grandchildren and all that are near and dear to me meet at .......to part no more pray give my kind love to your ......... Mother and your daughter and son and Mary Lovell all here join in kind love to all. I am not able to write and shall I have write I fear you will not be able to read it. Now may the Lord bless you and hear the prays of your poor old grandmother
You will excuse the paper for there was green thing.... I write on the other side and I did not know it till I turned it over. ![]() LETTER NO 24 NEWTOWN SYDNEY My Ever Dear Grand Daughter and Children,
I write to tell you I got your last kind letter Sat 22nd and was very to hear you were all well as we are at this time thank God for all his blessings us all I bless God for all his blessings to you and yours I was very ill when I got your kind letter before I had been in bed 3 weeks not able to raise in my bed, but bless God for raised me err again I did not think I should ever get up again. But I am very weak now but bless God I am able to walk about again but you cannot expect it long for all things wear out in time I must expect to get feeble. Now last Sunday the 28th past my 89 th birthday oh my soul bless the Lord and all that in me bless his holy name for all his mercy to me for they are great I am afraid my sight is got very dim and I cannot see so well I had bad eyes four months ago and........... been very dull ever since and they get worse may the Lord bless you all give kind love to your Mother and to dear Eliz, Richard and Mary Lovell and to all accept the same yourself and Lord bless you all hear the daily prayers of your ever love Grandmother and great grand mother till call her away my dear. I have never heard from your Uncle John since last wrote to me. Your Uncle Richard are when I heard last are well Mary Ann is home alright I His son Alex the other son was to see me six weeks ago he is growing a fine young man he is a Blacksmith by trade they are all well and send their love to all you and yours. Ellen has got a fine son she has two girls and a boy. My dear I cannot write any more family letters .......... and eyes are dim I fear you cannot read what is so bad I cannot see to write it. My love to you my dear child I fear this will be my last from your poor old grandmother. ![]() LETTER NO 25 NEWTOWN SYDNEY JUNE 1867 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
This I hope will find you all in good health as it leaves us all here at this time. Bless the Lord for it my dear I would have wrote before now but we have been got about so and my right hand has been si bad this cold winter I cannot hold a pen or guide my hand to write at all and when I do write I am afraid you cannot make it out but you may read some of it and my dear you must excuse me for I cannot do everything now for I cannot keep my hand still to hold the pen so I can only tell you that Marion is gone to New Zealand on the 20th that is on Thursday next she is well. ![]() LETTER NO 26 NEWTOWN SYDNEY SEPT 3rd 1867 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I now write to let you know I received your last safe and very to hear that you and yours were all well and all your sisters and theirs were all well and your brother and his were also well it cheer my poor old heart to hear from every one of my dear children and grandchildren it comfort my heart when I feel cast down I get their letters out and look over them then I have a good cry then I feel very dull till I go to my bible then I feel comforted.............. so far one from another if they were near as I could see some of them sometimes but I shall never see many of them if they were only a few miles of that ........................... then I should be so happy but I shall never see that day or days again oh may the lord forgive me for ........... or ........this almighty ..........of God or at his will or .......for his ways are not as our ways nor his thoughts as our thoughts shall not judge of all the earth do right well if I cannot see them I can and do pray for them day and night and where there is a prayer heard there is a prayer in heaven God that will hear your prayers come un to him in spirit and truth in the son for he say come unto all ye.....and I will give you rest. ............ will come he will in no ways cast them out and ........come unto him spirits and trust in him may the Lord bless you and yours and if we err not to much ...... more in this world we may all meet in heaven at last where all our troubles may this be our happy lot all to meet to part no more. ![]() LETTER NO 27 NEWTOWN OCT 31st 1867
Now Christmas is over I wish you a happy New Year. My ever dear grandchildren I received your welcome letter dated the 30th Dec and was glad to hear you were all well and also that your Uncle John and to hear he was well I should like to see him if he would come down, but suppose he will not come as I am not by myself. But tell him he will find a lot of us all together 5 women 3 children and sometimes four and 1 man and that is cousin Robert poor fellow he has a lot to do he has great games with the children when he come home. Poor dears they are all bad with the Whooping cough now it is very trying to be in the house with them and poor is worn off her legs with them but we not ....... for after all ...... we have great reason to bless God for all his mercies to us all. ![]() LETTER NO 28 C 1867 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I am sorry I have been so long in writing to you but I was very ill when I got yours and not able to write and now I am very weak and not able to do anything. I am note able to guide the pen or hold it but I am trying to scribble a line or two in hope the next will be better. I am glad to find by yours that you were all well in this trying times we have been all ill old and young the dear children have all been layed up with the measles and then with the Whooping cough but they are getting over it. But the baby and she is very poorly yet your Aunt and cousins are nearly worn out. Charlotte is keeping a day School. We got a letter from Marion she is safe arrived in New Zealand. .....................She is in New Zealand then I had a letter last week from your Uncle Richard they were all well. Ellen has got another little one a boy they all send their kind love to you all we here all join in kind love to all. Elizabeth Gray ![]() LETTER NO 29 NEWTOWN SYDNEY NOV 12th 1867 My Ever Dear Jane,
This is answer to your last I hope this will find you and yours all well. I would have written before this but was ill when I got yours but the Lord has raised me up again blessed be his holy name for his ...... and mercies to me as we are all for all his blessings to us my dear give my kind love to Mother and your dear young ones my dear Elizabeth and Richard and Mary Lovell. I hope they are comfort to you now they are growing up to be useful to you. Oh may they grow up in the grace of God to be blessing to you and to themselves and to all about them that others may see there good works and glorify their father love them which is in heaven may the Lord grant that they may all and all that are near and dear to me meet me in heaven, may not one be left behind but may even the most distant branches be bought to .... all at God's right hand. Oh that may welcome them all in that glorious day when parting will be no more where no sin or sorrow ever come, but all is joy and peace oh what a joyful that will be for me to see all my dear family come to greet me. ![]() LETTER NO 30 JAN 9th 1868 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I hope that this will find you and all yours well. We are better but the children still very pale the little one is very weak yet I have been very ill myself but am a little better thank God for his goodness to me. I still am able to keep on my feet but my legs are very weak which I must expect now I am thankful to almighty God that I not confined to bed but I do hope I shall be able to go to Chapel on Sunday. Your Uncle Richard was well when I heard last the girls sent their love to all as do your Aunt Manson as do all here and I have no good news to write and writing is pain to me I shall conclude with my kind love to your Mother and Mary Lovell and to dear Eliz and Richard and all the rest if the family. I have enclosed Richard Grays likeness in this your Uncle Richard's son now may the Lord bless you and yours with everlasting blessings hear the prayers of your old grandmother and great grandmother til death call her. Well my dear ones for this may be the last I shall write God bless you all this is my constant pray every day of my life. ![]() LETTER NO 31 C 1869 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter and Dear Family,
I hope this will find you all well and in good health as it the greatest blessing that we can enjoy in this world for if we have all this world can give and not have health with it we cannot enjoy in bed and friends are tired coming to see you. ![]() LETTER NO 32 EMERALD COTTAGE NEWTOWN My Dear Jane,
I received your very kind letter some time since and I should have replied only I was not able to write myself my hands are so painful to me I am better thank the Lord I am as well as I can expect to be at my age. I suppose here all very busy preparing for Christmas I wish you a very merry one and a happy new year. Aunts are quite well and send their love to you. Uncle Richard is quite well his daughter Ellen had another Baby they have three children now. Write to me soon and I will answer sooner than the last time very feeble and week though I am better than I was one day I feel as though I could not be strong that day and the next I am better again with kind love I remain your loving Grand Mother. THIS LETTER WAS WRITTEN BY CHARLOTTE ATKINS ![]() LETTER NO 33 EMERALD COTTAGE EGAN ST NEWTOWN C 1870 My Ever Dear Jane,
I received yours of the 14th and I was very pleased to hear you and yours all quite well I am sorry to tell you I am not any better I am unable to go out anywhere except it is on the front verandah a little while. We have had very warm weather here ......... but today is very dull. Uncle Richard and family are well also Aunt Manson. THIS LETTER WAS WRITTEN BY CHARLOTTE HOLDSWORTHY NEE ATKINS ![]() LETTER NO 34 C1871 My Ever Dear Grand Daughter,
I received your kind letter on Monday 31st and was very glad to see by it that you were all well and that Uncle John has been again for it give me great was to my poor old heart it is thus here. I have is to hear from my children and grandchildren that the ..... may pour down his blessing upon them all my prays day and night and we may all meet in heaven at last after and that parting will be no more but one hour there will make us forget all our troubles here may the Lord grant that we may all meet where parting will be no more. I was very glad to hear Mary Lovell is married I hope she made a good match of it and for it is for life your cousin Charlotte is married. Your Uncle Richard's son Alex is married he got 2 children a boy and a girl and Ellen has got 3, 2 girls and a boy. Your Aunt Manson was down last week to see me Uncle Richard when I heard from them they all send their kind love to you all. May the Lord bless and hear my prays day and night my dear am very old and feeble now I have not been able to do everything for the last 12 months and I feel it very much I have used I have not .....to request often for a penny still bless the Lord that I have some more ![]() The Early Years ¦ Elizabeth Gray 1803 - 1836 ¦ William Gray 1805 - 1851 ¦ Jane Gray 1808 - 1880 ¦ John Gray Jr. 1810 ¦ Hannah Gray 1813 - 1856 ¦ Ann Louise Gray 1815 - 1874 ¦ Richard Gray 1817 - 1896 Letters from Elizabeth Killett Gray ¦ Trials ¦ Trips & Ships ¦ Letters from William J.B. Gray ¦ Crest & Tartan ¦ Special Acknowledgements ![]() In the Beginning |